About Me

Who Am I?

I started on a predictable trajectory. I was born in Ohio, and grew up in the Chicago area. My family moved to Texas when I was in middle school. I got a Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Texas. I worked as an engineer for five years. Then the story unfolds.

After losses and struggles to become a parent, I thought my story was finally going to reach that happily ever after phase.  I had a three year old, a one year old, and was pregnant when the three year old was diagnosed with tumors in his spine and skull. That year was so chaotic. I took my son each week for Chemotherapy and didn’t notice his smile and zest for life fade. I was distracted with a newborn and a middle child who would not be ignored. His tumors weren't responding to the medication. We were referred to Make-A-Wish. His wish was a trip.  He wanted to see the Space Shuttle launch. On that trip his smile returned and he was on the road to recovery. Thinking I would resume my normal and controllable life, I was shocked when only six weeks later, I was in the hospital with my 10 month old baby fighting for life.  It was that moment I realized that the happily ever after would be found in moments along the way.

A few years later when everyone was healthy my family decided to stretch out those happy moments and soak them up.  We sold the business and the house and spent a year living in New Zealand followed by two years living as nomads around the world.  I have visited over eighty countries. The perspective shifts from seeing so many cultures. From seeing my children grow, struggle, and flourish. And doing the same myself has changed me profoundly. Along the way, I submersed myself in personal growth training. I have taken several multi-year programs and many many short workshops and intensives. I now consider myself an energy healer. Quite the step away from engineering, yet I do use that education in applying what I’ve learned. The kids are now all healthy young adults and although it was quite traumatic to live through, it changed the trajectory of my life and taught me tons.  What I have learned has helped me help others through the years, face some pretty dark times and come out of it and back into the light.

Once you’ve gotten in the life boat, you turn around and help people get out of the water.

-Cathy Colburn