The Metaphix

Excerpt: “What is Belief?”

Belief works like a dam, except imagine that instead of water, the dam holds energy back; stored where it would otherwise flow freely. As the energy builds and builds with nowhere to go, it seems less and less possible to remove the dam; it starts to feel like an integral part of the environment. So when the dam is removed, the energy stored behind it becomes chaotic and turbulent, rushing forth unchecked. It forms new paths; you need more support to manage the environment while it adapts and changes to the release of energy.

Belief is a polarizing force. It attracts objects, people, and circumstances while repelling others, in alignment with the belief. When a person believes something, they not only align themselves and their actions with that belief, but something else more curious occurs: the belief aligns to them.

Belief creates vision. Belief creates strength of will. Belief creates resilience. Belief ignites and activates. Belief sees the invisible. It sees what has not yet been accomplished. Belief sees the goal, and it sees the path required to achieve the goal.

For instance, the belief “I am capable” would support us in taking on projects, setting goals, and reaching them. We hold some beliefs that work against us. They may have worked for you at a certain time, then circumstances changed—but the belief stayed. Another example: we may have learned as a child that it was safer to keep quiet. Then when we want to make a speech, or give a presentation, we get nervous because deep down we fear it still isn’t safe.

A belief is a concept that you fully embrace and defend without doubting its validity. In fact, when you hold a belief, you seek evidence that the belief is true, thereby corkscrewing the belief deeper. To continue the example of public speaking, while we hold the belief that we are not safe to express ourselves we will draw in criticism that might make us feel unsafe. If we were to question and even reverse the belief that it is safer to express ourselves, we can make an impact by speaking out. The belief is what draws in the outcome. Taking some time to find what your subconscious beliefs are and changing them can change your life.

We usually don’t want to look at the beliefs because they originate from a painful or scary event. We took on the belief to protect ourselves. When we recognize that a belief is no longer working for us, that is the exact time to reverse the belief. It will now be safe to process through the energy to uncover the belief. Although some beliefs dissipate with just the realization.

Think of it like pulling a fruit from a tree. When the fruit is ripe and ready to go, it can be effortless to pluck it off. But when it’s a little too soon, where the fruit hasn’t ripened enough, you’ll meet significant resistance in pulling it off.

What is Belief?

Belief works like a dam, except imagine that instead of water, the dam holds energy back; stored where it would otherwise flow freely. As the energy builds and builds with nowhere to go, it seems less and less possible to remove the dam; it starts to feel like an integral part of the environment. So when the dam is removed, the energy stored behind it becomes chaotic and turbulent, rushing forth unchecked. It forms new paths; you need more support to manage the environment while it adapts and changes to the release of energy.

Belief is a polarizing force. It attracts objects, people, and circumstances while repelling others, in alignment with the belief. When a person believes something, they not only align themselves and their actions with that belief, but something else more curious occurs: the belief aligns to them.

Belief creates vision. Belief creates strength of will. Belief creates resilience. Belief ignites and activates. Belief sees the invisible. It sees what has not yet been accomplished. Belief sees the goal, and it sees the path required to achieve the goal.

For instance, the belief “I am capable” would support us in taking on projects, setting goals, and reaching them. We hold some beliefs that work against us. They may have worked for you at a certain time, then circumstances changed—but the belief stayed. Another example: we may have learned as a child that it was safer to keep quiet. Then when we want to make a speech, or give a presentation, we get nervous because deep down we fear it still isn’t safe.

A belief is a concept that you fully embrace and defend without doubting its validity. In fact, when you hold a belief, you seek evidence that the belief is true, thereby corkscrewing the belief deeper. To continue the example of public speaking, while we hold the belief that we are not safe to express ourselves we will draw in criticism that might make us feel unsafe. If we were to question and even reverse the belief that it is safer to express ourselves, we can make an impact by speaking out. The belief is what draws in the outcome. Taking some time to find what your subconscious beliefs are and changing them can change your life.

We usually don’t want to look at the beliefs because they originate from a painful or scary event. We took on the belief to protect ourselves. When we recognize that a belief is no longer working for us, that is the exact time to reverse the belief. It will now be safe to process through the energy to uncover the belief. Although some beliefs dissipate with just the realization.

Think of it like pulling a fruit from a tree. When the fruit is ripe and ready to go, it can be effortless to pluck it off. But when it’s a little too soon, where the fruit hasn’t ripened enough, you’ll meet significant resistance in pulling it off.